Fear of technology spoiling your chances?

No wonder, school kids beat you hands down in building ventures of future in a domain where you were the Godfather.

For both employers and employees, poor adoption is a curse that has got the better end of theirs and the dive to nadir seems never ending. 

Is it a fear? Fear of technology? Let us help you in clearing your mind.

1. Technology is Change.

Long back, in his first law of motion, Newton spoke about Inertia. So that’s it, Inertia it is. But Newton did change his position, on external force, once hit by Apple on his head. Now we know, pain can cause change. 

2. Explicit pain works.

Ask frontline sales guys about what this means and how it forces a buy. Explicit pain often provides the required force to cause change. So digging a few levels down to bring the pain visible to team might work in finding force.

3. Perceived risk is a bitch

To be alone attempting alien stuff can be spooky. Find company, adoption may get triggered faster. With comfort that many will fail, many actually will attempt. One good way to accomplish this is to ensure that enough team members try new tech together.

4. Only grave is guaranteed

Everything else comes with probabilistic assurance, so budget for loss and give it a run. You lose bigger by not attempting. Remember, the high school chap has an eye on your market. 

5. Start with plugHR platform 

To manage workplace, team, performance, training, policies, induction, leaves, attendance and team conversations on simple tech. When teams connect everyday, they’ll open up for bigger innovations.

Technology adoption like any change is a journey. Help your team manage their fears & perceived risks while exposing them to changes and you’d make one agile workforce.