Training intervention? Really?

Most of us grow up building both our capabilities and weaknesses. We survive good intentioned family & friends network to finally be called an adult as we land our first job.

But bad luck strikes again when an evolved avatar skins up as my Boss at work and decides to re-do the family responsibility of....hold your breath "Skill me up".

This time they got better names, leadership skills, self motivation, team playing, my Boss is now my Father and he even calls an expert GrandFather to make sure nothing less than dinosaurian exposure does me in.

I suddenly come face to face with dated adults who brought the World to where it is today. While their profile links on networking sites talk of greatness, I have to just look out of my window to see how they have led. Morning NewsinShort just told me about state of scarcity around human habitations, water, electricity, hygiene, healthcare, transport, jobs, food, freedom, safety everything that matters has gone short. 

HR has just sent a mail, I am in the list of people who will be transformed by the Father and GrandFather into leader of tomorrow. 

"If tomorrow comes that is", I think to myself "just another bad day, this too will pass"